開業多年,標誌性的巨型絲路圖始終佔據着店Sunnybank plaza的顯眼位置。新疆人的廚師團隊一直堅守着同一使命:為客人提供地道而優質、價錢相宜的正宗新疆菜,當中不乏羊肉特色菜,如手抓肉、羊肉串燒和足夠二人享用、需預訂的烤羊腿等。此外,大盤雞和酸奶也值得一試。 維 吾爾菜餚的特色源自於本地原料,傳統的烹調方式以及世代相傳的食譜。儘管維吾爾族的飲食受到希臘,波斯和阿拉伯文化等周邊文化的影響,但我們的飲食文化仍然保持了其原有的獨特性。AFANTI 是Sunnybank Hills 最早的維吾爾餐廳之一。在我們的菜單上,您可以品嘗到手製拉麵,燉雞,手工製作的餃子以及其他各種美食。我們的廚師以新鮮的食材,傳統的食譜,以及對我們文化的自豪志來烹製每一道菜。對於菜單上的每道菜,我們都設法保留並分享維吾爾族和中亞美食的真實風味和傳統。
11:00 AM - 9:30PM
11:00 AM - 10:00PM
I really appreciate that they offer a wide range of flavorsome selections ranging from stir-fry, cold plates to freshly hand-made noodles and dumplings. In an age where everything is somewhat homogeneous and mass produced, this little eatery is real gem!
Yijun C.Wow, very unassuming little place, but the food is incredible. I'm very picky, but we tried the veg steamed buns, a beef bread and a mix of mushroom and tofu skin from the “cold bar”. The food is very fresh and tasty and the staff helpful and friendly. I had not tried Uyghur cuisine before, but I'm instantly a fan. Will definitely make a point of stopping there next time I'm in the area.
Melanie F.A variety of delicious stir fries, steam buns and cold salads. Definitely a must try. Halal Uyghur cuisine, run by friendly owners.
Mira M.